Monday, July 28, 2008

Moving Along... more ways than one! As you can see below, Emily is all about any type of moving, riding vehicle/play-toy these days. I mentioned in a previous post that she is crazy about cars, just like another someone in our house. She constantly wants to drive the car, sit in the car, look at Daddy's car magazines (we had to put a stop to that as she almost ripped one in half last week!). Today we met Derek for lunch and he had mentioned to her that there were some cars in his lobby...yeah that was all she talked about until we got there. Once we had lunch with D and had to drop him off back off at his office, she cried for about 10 minutes on the way home b/c she wanted to see the cars again...sheesh! Can't she love anything girly like her mommy?

Had to crop this little gem of a picture...she was a bit on the indecent side:)

Upon D's recommendation, we took Em's tricycle to the playground where I literally had to run to catch up with her.

And onto the other "moving along" news of the day...we had our first baby check this morning and little junior is doing great. I was 50% effaced and 1.5 cm. dilated. And, while I would love to get excited about that, I know I could be walking around without anymore progress for weeks. So, I'll just be thrilled at this point that he is healthy and growing! Maybe we will keep moving along and decide on a name soon too! Hah! Now I am thinking that we have waited so long, we may just wait until he is born to announce it.

We'll keep updating on any progress!

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Fun with Cousins!

Emily has been having a blast with her cousins that are visiting from Massachusetts. It had been way too long since we had seen my aunt and her sweet girls. They are here until August and I am already predicting that Em is going to melt down when they leave...she is getting very attached. We went to the zoo a week or so ago and the pics below are from that outing. It was so hot, but worth it. We all had a great time and even my other aunt and uncle came up for the visit. It was lots of fun to spend the time with family.

On other quick Baby#2 news, I begin my weekly appointments this coming Mon. I can't believe that he will be here soon. And of course, I know the lingering question...will he have a name? Hahaha!!! We really are working on it and I think we are getting close! We still have some things to get done around the house, but we are getting there. I am getting more and more anxious and more tired:):) So, on that note, I have way too much to be doing instead of updating this blog:)
(I finally updated the photo album with some new pics as well.)

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Friday, July 11, 2008

Belly Shots (as promised:)...

He is just growing and growing...

Derek making me laugh so hard!...

I can't wait to meet this little guy that is morphing my body into unrecognizable proportions! I seriously could not be more thankful that God has allowed me to bring this munchkin into the world...just weeks away! (I hope:)
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The Many Faces of Emily Paige!

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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

33 Weeks and Counting!

Sorry no pics with this one...but just wanted to update about the little unnamed guy growing away in my big ole' belly!

We had an appt. this morning and it went great...praise God! His little heartbeat is strong and is measuring right on track. He is growing and thriving as evidenced by the size of his current habitat:):) I will have to get Derek to take a pic of me tonight and I will post later for those of you that want a good laugh. Really though, I feel pretty good. Being prego in the summer is so so different from the winter...I'm sure many of you can give me an amen on that one! Besides some issues with acid reflux and occasionally feeling swollen, I really can't complain.

There is progress being made on little Hercules' (as his Daddy refers to him due to his crazy strong movements) room. Not only did Derek give me some Emily-free time this past Sat., he also surprised me when I got home by having his room completely cleaned out with the crib up and furniture moved. I was so excited that I actually cried...I know, I know it's ridiculous. Sat. was Derek's only day with no commitments and I would have loved for him to just get some rest, but instead he worked his booty off. That is why it meant even more to me, not to mention that the thought of dealing with the baby's room was sort of overwhelming me as it really was a total disaster. Thanks for the surprise was so sweet!!

I got the curtains for little boy's room today and that means we can paint soon...I'm very excited about that. I have been waiting to order his bedding b/c I really wanted to monogram it, but seeing as how we haven't chosen a name, that may not happen!:) I will post pics when we get more done in there. Besides other projects going on around here that are keeping us busy, we are just looking so forward to seeing this sweet boy's face. I can't wait to kiss him and see what he looks like!

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July weekend...will keep you posted on the little guy's progress. (And I'll try to get that belly shot posted so that you will know exactly how to pray for me...haha...just kidding!)

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Happy 4th and Sunny Days!

Not much to say today. I have just really been thinking about how very thankful I am that we live in the country we do. Often, when I am out enjoying things with my family and friends, I think about the sacrifices of SO many others that make it possible to do those daily things that I too frequently take for granted. Freedom is definitely not free and I am grateful on this eve of our Independence Day for all of those that serve so sacrificially. I wish I could thank everyone of our servicemen and women personally! And on a side note...there is a place in the 'Boro called Goin' Postal on Thompson Lane and they are doing some really awesome things for ou military. If you have time, stop in and check out what they are doing. I have the care package list on my fridge and have begun picking things up already. And they are also a great postal place as well. Unlike UPS, they don't charge extra for stamps and they put out coffee and cookies for their customers! The sweet lady even has popsicles for kids that she gives to take home and freeze...yea! I know great customer service!! Like I said, they are doing some really cool things for our soldiers so the next time you are over by Aldi's and Frida's Mexican Grill, check them out!

The pics below are from a day that we went with our Karen (no not like my name...more like "Ku-rin") friends from Burma to the splash pad. I got a great group shot, but am hesitant to post it because I don't have their permission. I was blessed to be able to spend time teaching English and enjoying these dear friends over the past few months. They are amazing to say the least and a wonderful reminder of just how thankful we should be to live in our country!!

Emily is a hoot as you can see from the pics below. We have been going through some difficulties over the last few days...I was in the bathroom today at the pool praying for wisdom on how best to discipline my sweet girl's strong will. Wow!...this parenting thing is tough! Nevertheless she is so sweet and such a little lovebug with a very hilarious personality. As I am finishing this post, she has woken up from her nap and is playing with old mail pretending they are letters from her Uncle Sean. She is sitting in front of me "reading" them saying things like "Emily I love you and I miss you. Love Uncle Sean. The end." and "Dear Daddy, have a good Uncle Sean. The end." As she is into letters these days, she is now looking at our last bank statement picking out letters on the page while telling me words that start with those letters. She cracks me up. Sometimes I wish I could run video 24/7 so that I could win some money off of her antics!

Hope you all enjoy your 4th!

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